Pétition pour l'installation d'un nouveau chapiteau au Jardin du Souvenir
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© Pétition pour l'installation d'un nouveau chapiteau au Jardin du Souvenir
Inauguration of L’Espoir | La Speranza Mausoleum-Columbarium
We invite you to read this foundational text on the theme of hope 
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© Inauguration of L’Espoir | La Speranza Mausoleum-Columbarium
Cohabiter dans le rite | A new series by anthropologist Luce Des Aulniers
Find out more at infodeuil.ca
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See all our virtual concert recordings since 2020
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A website to support the bereaved through reflections, analyses, resources, and events. 
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Le repos Saint-François d’Assise in Montréal : Columbaria, Mausoleums, Crematoriums, and a Cemetery
Supporting bereaved families since 1916. 
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